Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cake Pops

I had been hearing a lot about cake pops and wanted to try them out. I had a book I got at Target that showed how to make cute shapes and everything. At Michaels, they had the candy coating on sale so I bought a bunch. So today I finally decided to try and make them. OMG they were a pain in the ass. Just FYI if you are going to try and make them, patience is required. I have a feeling they will get easier with practice. Even as I was making them just now, it got a little bit easier. I didn't even attempt to be creative and make shapes or designs or even top with sprinkles.

* Cake
* Frosting
* Candy Coating
* Sticks

***I used the Cake Pops book as my guide. ANd to make things easier on myself I decided to use a boxed cake mix and pre made frosting.***

* First step is to make the cake according to the directions on the box.

* Cool completely before moving on.

* Cut the cake into pieces and crumble into a bowl. There should not be any big pieces of cake visible.

***I thought that the cake would be harder to crumble completely, but it was actually very easy. I just rubbed it between my fingers into the bowl, and then worked on the bigger pieces that were left individually.***

* Add about 3/4 of the can of frosting. Do not add the whole can.

* Roll the cake into balls. I used my handy scoop to help with the step.

* After all the cake has been rolled into balls, cover in plastic and put in the fridge for a few hours. Or you can put in the freezer, but you don't want them frozen. I did find that it helped to have them cold, they tended to break as they got closer to room temp.

* Melt the candy coating according to the instructions on the package.

*Only take a few of the prepares cake balls out of the fridge/freezer at a time so they don't warm up.

* Dip the stick about 1/2 inch into the melted candy coating.

* Put a cake ball on the stick, try not go more than half way into the ball.

* Dip into the candy coating.

***This was the second bowl I tried. Make sure your bowl is deep enough to cover the whole ball. I broke quite a few trying to roll them around in the candy coating.***

*Stick it in styrofoam until dry.
***I didn't have any styrofoam, and couldn't think of anything else to use. So I found some styrofoam that was used as packing in a box.***

***I also discovered that one bag of candy coating did about half the cake balls I had made. So I had to use another bag.***

***I found a better bowl, deeper and covered the whole cake ball. Third times the charm right?***

*So hopefully this task was less frustrating for you than for me. Like I said, I got better as I went along. The orange ones came out better than the pink ones in my opinion. Next time I will try and get fancier and use some sprinkles!


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